When you look at this picture, equivalent to an area of the sky the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length and see all these hundreds of galaxies bigger than our own, can you honestly rationalize that your children are the center of the universe? My language has NO affect on the outcome of this unimaginably large universe. Get over yourselves.

During my going on two weeks of ranting and yelling outside of the neo-con senators’ windows and those of Governor Goofy, I have been relatively clean. I think I said asshole twice, in the following sentence: “I have two jobs, legislators. By night, I wipe assholes. By day, I come down here and berate them.” I said that ONCE, without any precious children around to hear. In all my hours down there, I’ve been harassed less by Governor Goofy’s silent majority than by parents and their delicate sensibilities. Yesterday, one parent attacked me for calling the neo-cons idiots. “There are children here,” he said. “I told him I’m fighting for those children. What are you doing?”  Seriously. Have the children of this country become so delicate that the word idiot will damage them irreparably? I’m sorry, but kids are fucking and sucking and swearing (words I couldn’t even imagine) by the time they are 7 sometimes. My language (or lack thereof actually) is no threat. The threat is pussified parents that can’t stand up and take responsibility for their own children. They need to scapegoat their inadequacies onto people like me, who ironically are helping to protect the future of their children. It’s people like me that are actually courageous enough to make a stand, personal consequences be damned. Maybe you should be teaching them to stand up for their rights, to engage in politics and make a difference, instead of being a coward who hides behind the thin, pathetic veil of parenthood. Gotta run, people. Gonna go to the doctor while my insurance is still affordable and then I’ll be back downtown. Oh, and for all you sensitive parents whose precious children are now out of ear shot. FUCK YOU, ASSHOLES!!!

